Hello its my page at World Wide WEB so i get connected by the romansoft network, really shit. i kn ab it. so welcome to da my homepage.
so my 1 name echan 'n last missan. rn u at http://www.rsn.com/rsn/gethomepage/~echan_missan/ really? i dont know why you just connected to
my website. what are you interesting right here you find?? so i dont care. really.maybe its homepage only for me or all world just see it.
n maybe its page be without any pictures because just imma dont wanna to do it . i have pentium 75 computer with windows 95 os. always imma
ussing da netscape navigator 2.0 version but sometimes i go to internet explorer version but imma just more wanna surfin' da internet with
netscape because just internet explorer is don't like to me. eh. imma studint at romansoft high and cheuaneasse. i dont be point at what
region its placed because i dont wanna to do it. fine. ed at uk stv or steveans republic. imma teaching so bad at this school n' i maybe
be fired of this school. but this no be. i wanna teaching is good. its be. really be. and all this information about me be maybe only in
this page, because i dont wanna to create one more page and make there the big text like there at this page. but maybe i be do it but imma
idk really. about rsn. rsn its really shit. there browser usinna the itnerent explorer, what i dont like. and my friend just tall me, about
in romaexplorer version 1.0 using the interenet explorer. just in romansoft added da buttons and really. and the romansoft browser romaexplorer
just buying millions people. why they doing this i really dont know. but imma buyed netscape, so no at netscape legaled shop, at my friend for $5!
its so small price for the netscape because they are making so big price. just i dont care and buy it for my friend. so netscape if you wanna meet
with me, just dont know about imma buying your products not in your legaled shop. so really they are just need to dont know about it. they never just
see my homepage in this shit rsn. they are hosting is sometimes turn off. and imma need to wait a day for they are just turn in on. so imma just pay to
romansoft 19.99$ every month for romansoft subscription. imma dont lie just watch the price in romansoft network website. i dont just copy link to this
text because imma just dont wanna to do it and searching this as same. really. so i think i tell more at other day n' just goodbye lol goodbye gb see later